

Swimming Tips: How to Relax in Backstroke

2023-10-12 - swimming


Swimming is a fantastic full-body workout that not only enhances your cardiovascular fitness but also offers relaxation and stress relief. Among the various swimming styles, backstroke stands out for its unique way of connecting you with the water, offering a serene and tranquil experience. In this article, we will explore essential tips on how to relax while practicing backstroke swimming.

The Basics of Backstroke Swimming

Before we dive into relaxation techniques, let's briefly cover the fundamental aspects of backstroke swimming.

Body Position

Maintaining the right body position is crucial for a smooth backstroke. Float on your back with your body parallel to the water's surface. Ensure that your head remains above water for breathing.

Hand Movement

In backstroke, your arms perform a continuous windmill-like motion. Your hands should enter the water pinky-first and exit thumb-first. This movement helps propel you forward.

Leg Movement

The leg movement in backstroke involves a flutter kick. Keep your legs straight and close together while making small, rhythmic kicks.

Breathing Techniques

Backstroke allows for easy and regular breathing since your face remains out of the water. Breathe in through your mouth and exhale through your nose and mouth simultaneously.

Tips for Relaxing in Backstroke Swimming

Now, let's explore how to make your backstroke experience even more relaxing.

Find Your Rhythm

Backstroke is all about finding your rhythm. Focus on the continuous movement of your arms and legs. The repetitive nature of this stroke can be meditative and soothing.

Focus on Relaxation

While backstroke is a competitive swimming style, you can make it a relaxing experience by focusing on your relaxation techniques. Picture yourself floating on a calm, peaceful lake, and let your body follow suit.

Avoid Overexertion

One of the keys to relaxation in backstroke is avoiding overexertion. Keep a steady pace, and don't push yourself too hard. Remember, it's about enjoying the water, not racing it.

Stay Calm in Open Water

Swimming in open water can be both exhilarating and daunting. To relax in open water while backstroking, keep your head up, maintain a sense of direction, and trust your technique.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

To truly enjoy backstroke swimming, it's essential to steer clear of common mistakes.

Poor Body Alignment

Maintaining the right body position is crucial. Poor alignment can lead to drag and discomfort.

Irregular Breathing

Inconsistent breathing can disrupt your rhythm. Practice your breathing technique to avoid discomfort and anxiety.

Over kicking

Excessive kicking can lead to fatigue. Keep your kicks small and controlled to conserve energy.

Panic in Open Water

It's natural to feel a bit nervous in open water, but panic can hinder relaxation. Stay calm, and remember that you are in control.

The Benefits of Backstroke Swimming

Relaxation aside, backstroke swimming offers several benefits. It improves posture, strengthens core muscles, and helps alleviate back pain. Regular backstroke practice can boost your overall swimming skills and add variety to your workouts.


In conclusion, backstroke swimming is not just a fantastic way to stay fit, but it can also be incredibly relaxing when done right. By following these tips and avoiding common mistakes, you can make backstroke swimming a serene and peaceful experience that allows you to connect with the water.
